Important Dates

Saturday, June 29RhythmWave Survey due for camp members
Saturday, July 27Camp fees are due
Friday, August 16Meal Plan fees are due
Sunday, August 25Black Rock City gates open at 12:01am PST
Saturday, August 31The Man burns
Sunday, September 1The Temple burns


So what is Conscious Dance, anyway?

Basically, Conscious Dance differs from Ecstatic Dance in the facilitated nature of the experience. Both are free-form and without choreography, with no limitations on body type or fitness level; but while ecstatic dance will typically have a DJ who selects the music, Conscious Dance will have a teacher or facilitator who suggests an intention and guides participants through the experience (to widely varying degrees). Conscious Dance facilitators are often certified in well established practices like Open Floor, Dancing Freedom, or Soul Motion – but almost all modern Conscious Dance can trace its roots back to Gabrielle Roth’s 5Rhythms®, which remains a vibrant, thriving form of the practice.

Where in Black Rock City ARE we?

In 2024 RhythmWave will be at 6:30 and F (Fantastic).

What are the camp dues?

For 2024, the total upfront camp fee is $400. That amount includes a $100 refundable deposit (see below). The remaining (non-refundable) amount is each resident’s contribution to support RhythmWave’s ongoing infrastructure and operating costs. Of course, if for some reason you don’t actually attend Burning Man this year, your payment will be refunded to you. If, on the other hand, you DO attend Burning Man but (inexplicably) decide to camp elsewhere,  you will receive a refund if you notify us no later than Saturday, August 10, 2024, and we can fill your spot.

How can I get my refundable deposit back?

ALL camp residents are expected to participate in camp strike, beginning Sunday morning after the Burn (typically through mid-day Monday). To that end, and as an incentive to stick around, RW will discount the camp fee of everyone who participates in strike by $100. Basically, that means that $100 of the total $400 camp fee will be refunded by the end of September to everyone who fully participates in camp strike.

What are my obligations to the camp?

RhythmWave is a highly participatory service camp – and our service is to provide opportunities for conscious dance and movement to all citizens of Black Rock City. In that regard, ALL RhythmWave residents will need to participate in running the camp.  This will involve 2 to 3 shifts of about 2 hours to support an event on our floor.  All camp members will also be expected regularly, and asked once a day, to do a quick MOOP patrol.  There are also shifts for Ice, Coffee, Compost that will take up one more shift during the week.

In addition, All Meal Plan participants will need to complete ONE camp kitchen shift. Total time for both will equate to roughly 4-6 hours of camp service over the course of the week.

If you camp with RW at Burning Man, have no doubt that your contributions will have a positive impact on the experience of hundreds of other Burners from around Black Rock City.

What are the camp amenities?

Shade – There is considerable public shade around the camp and tent campers will be provided for. People who bring their own shade structures are encouraged (large enough) to share.
Showers – The camp provides a stand-alone shower (either one large or two smaller stalls) with a hanging apparatus for shower bags. Residents who would like to shower (at least once or twice hopefully) will need to bring their own water for their shower bag.
The Family Room – New in 2023 was the The Family Room.  This is a 40’x30′ shade structure that connects the Dining Room (Dining shade tent) with The Bed Room (Hobbitville, or the tent area shade).  The Family Room will be an area for everyone to place a camp chair and hang out.  There will be a number of small tables provided.
The Cave – Basically, a real chill room. We are going to chill one of the shipping containers.  When you need a break from the heat and the brightness you can take your chair into The Cave and hang out for a bit. The cold air in The Cave will exhaust into the kitchen, which we hope will cool the kitchen down a bit.
Recycling – The camp provides areas for recyclables EXCEPT glass. Residents are encouraged not to bring glass, but are responsible for their own if they do. ALL residents will be asked to pack out a bag of camp recycling and/or trash when leaving Black Rock City.

How do I handle my water needs?

The rule of thumb for life in Black Rock City is that all humans should bring 1.5 gallons of water per day (straight from the Survival Guide). To make that goal a little easier to achieve for those who need it, RhythmWave provides one (1) gallon of drinking water per person, per day in camp (Sunday through Sunday) if needed. Assuming we have 55 residents, all of whom are in camp for 7+ days, each drawing one gallon per day… that alone is almost 400 gallons.  We will provide this for campers who need it, though we ask that if you can, please bring as much of your own potable water as you can.  Please keep in mind, we are going out into the middle of a dry lake bed for a week or more.  Anything can happen.  We get our camp water from a service that trucks the water in from afar.  We have not had a disruption to this supply in the past, but our camp water has been late in arriving.

Does that mean I need to bring my own water?

Absolutely, yes. It’s a desert, after all. Camp water should be considered supplemental to what people bring themselves.

Plenty of camp water, then. So I can take a shower?

No. All residents are expected to bring their own FULL shower bag (if they intend to shower, that is). The water from the tank will be drinkable… water in a shower bag doesn’t need to be.  If you keep your cooler clean the melted ice is a great source of shower water.

I’m arriving later in the week. Can I use more water the rest of the week?

Again, no. RhythmWave will provide one gallon of drinking water per day in camp.

What are the options for food?

This year’s (optional) meal plan is $375 per person for the week. That includes brunch and supper from Sunday evening, 08/25, through Sunday evening, 09/01. Please note: In accordance with Nevada state law, inclusion in the 2024 RhythmWave meal plan is available only to residents in good standing of the RhythmWave theme camp (and pre-approved guests).

Can I bring my RV?

In general, RW is able to accommodate RVs (motor homes or trailer+vehicle); Rigs like 40′, single-occupancy RVs are discouraged.  If there is a space issue, Monster Land Yachts will be the first to asked to park outside of camp (it’s not happened, but it could). 

Can I invite guests to stay overnight?

Overnight guests are welcome for up to TWO consecutive nights. Longer stay guests are discouraged. Also, any registered camp resident who arrives with someone who is NOT registered will be asked to camp offsite. Please don’t let this happen…

How is camp strike handled?

EVERY camp resident is considered a member of the camp strike crew, which will begin the morning of Sunday 9/1. People who stay and fully participate in camp strike (not just pack up their own stuff) will be reimbursed their $100 deposit.